15 December 2006

Quarter time at the G

A 53 day experiment concludes today.

According to my data, I've categorically proven that blogging is for people with far too much time on their hands. In an effort to devote my bounteous time to other pursuits, I'm going to ration a bit henceforth, weeding out the turgid and tangential. I enjoy juggling words in sentences far too much. And I've proved to myself that it is possible to juggle words on virtually any topic known to humanity. That's a lot of prospective topics! Luckily there's a lot of bloggers out there covering them off.

My thoughts on blogging are these. It's a good medium. With a niche and good material you could create something significant. But the 'who cares' principle needs to be applied ruthlessly - both in terms of 'does anybody care about this issue' and 'is my opinion of any consequence beyond boring the tits off readers.' I fear nothing more than sounding like the editorialising blogchild of Andrew Bolt and Greg Sheridan. . . . . . oooooooogh.

So a hiatus is in order, energies to be deployed instead on pesky essays, walks in the deep London autumn, and, after the sun sets, the ticking off, one by one, of the 1000 books to read before you die (I'm up to #4).

I'll be back, soon as a lively thought insists on being committed to the cyberswamp.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
