7 November 2010

FDR at 70mph

Man walks dogs - seen througha deli window accompanied by Napa wine and French cheese

It is thousands of singular acts like this that make a great city what it is. Banal in isolation, but magnificent as part of a slightly cramped whole.

Janitors at lunchtime

So I'm pretty chicken about taking pictures of people. I tried a new approach: walking along with the camera in my hands about waist high as if I was just carrying it, and then aiming haphazardly and snapping. It didn't work well in quiet places because people could hear the 'chachink' and looked at me like I was really wierd. I missed 99% of the time, but this one worked out ok. It was a glorious day.


This piece tracked all the commercial flights across the US and presented them in time lapse as asteroids. Looked amazing in video, but you can get the gist from this still.

I was admiring some Rothkos at a gallery and then walked 50 blocks and saw this decrepit building. Now I'm not saying Rothko's art is decrepid, but I imagine he could see beauty in such things.

New York. Sunday morning.