14 December 2006

Buck the star

Yesterday I discovered the secret to Starbucks uncannily consistant coffee - and complete lack of athmosphere. While waiting patiently for my grande latte without cinammon, eggnog or any other festive distraction, I snuck a look at the coffee machine. Shock! The chain which claims coffee culture as a trademark uses fully automated espresso machines! No skill required. Press the button, the machine grinds the coffee, and out comes the espresso.

As a retired barista, I find this a slight affront. Where is the human element, the crash of metal on metal, the cascading coffee grind, the sweat on the barista's brow? All these things go into the making of a fine coffee. Sure, sometimes you'll encounter a dud coffee maker or some burnt beans, but that's what makes the good ones sing. Viva baristas, the artisans of the cafe world. Viva La cimbali coffee machines that last a thousand years. Viva coffee with soul. Viva romantics who care about such things.

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