12 November 2006

about blogs.....

There is a button near the top of your screen that encourages the blogging equivalent of channel surfing. I suggest you try it in moderation - "next blog". There is an army of people out there sharing their views with the world. So many that my faith in the uniqueness of my creation is shaken. For example, in my short journey away from 'bidip' I discovered the following:

A knitting catlady who writes extensively on both topics.
A treatise on the problems with bus routes in Israel.
A site of shoe pictures from Spain.
An author of "paranormal romance novels" from Texas
A rustic looking poet from Crete
A camera-photo record of life in New york
The progressive renovations of a groteque American cottage
And this lil piece of gold http://wikidumper.blogspot.com/

All these are windows into people's unique little worlds. Peeking at some feels a little invasive. People are very honest - and the world is watching! But are they? Do these words disappear into the misty swamps of the web's antipodes? Is there a reader for every word written?

Inspired by catlady, my self-disciplines henceforth will be these - I will aim for brevity. I will only write sentences that add something new to the world. I will never write "nothing happened today." And I will be utterly unfussed if my words are destined for the swamp.

But for Sharon from Kansas who has three kids and a husband in the army and likes stamps, I dearly hope lots of people read your words because you sound like a genuinely good sort.

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