18 January 2007

The effigy industry

Just a partially formed thought.... but is there an effigy building/burning industry, and is this another area where the forces of comparative advantage and emerging markets are concentrating production in developing countries? It's hard not to be impressed by the speed with which effigys are rolled out for the edification of international cameras - a good measure of globalisation if ever there was. Offence is caused and minutes later an effigy is on fire somewhere in the world. The quality varies from simple straw man, to elaborate life-like puppets, but the principles are the same.

An Effigy must resemble a man (women are never effigied), must be highly flamable (much like a bbq, there is nothing worse than an effigy that fails to light), must fall apart quickly to fit a 5 second tv slot, must include 'insert your slogan here' space (not all effigys are meant to resemble people - issues can be effigied too) and above all else, must be accompanied by angry shouting men (who should appear deeply aggrieved even if they love burning straw men).

Perhaps effigy firms (I'd call mine 'Men on Fire for Hire') have a product range much like shaving razors - there's your basic effigy that resembles a dissassembled bale of hay (cheap because peasants can make them but effective), your middling effigy for the aspirants out there (a touch of artistry, but like a gel strip or flexi-head mostly superfluous fluff), and then the rolls royce of effigies, (manic grin, brill creamed hair, and petrol pockets for explosive impact). I imagine the market would be quite lucrative. You know demand is on the rise when even a tv show as stale as Big Brother can elicit this.....

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