22 August 2009

Ethical fashion sans bono

On Thursday I lined a catwalk in a swanky nightclub to watch India's "First Ever Ethical Fashion Show." Spotlights swirled, cameras flashed, ladies strutted and pouted, and some very serious looking lads with high cheekbones walked in a straight line. Sadly, Bono did not make a live video cross, and there was no mention of whales or rainforests, but the room was chock full of very glamorous and, no doubt, very ethical people. I'm not clear on the technicalities of how quite the garments were ethical, but the peasant farmers/ garment workers in the accompanying video did look unusually cheery. And there was no polyester in sight. Everybody left feeling lighter and more virtuous as their late model Bentleys weaved into the late night Delhi traffic.

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